Monday, October 24, 2011

Another week..

This week I got to do some more service stuff.  We painted a bit, and got to clear and cut up some brush for a member of the church.  The best part was that we got to use machetes to do so, so it was very fun.  Doing basically anything with a sword is a riot :)

There's also a guy in the spanish ward who's getting ready to go on his mission, so we've been with him a bit helping him to get ready because he won't be able to go to the MTC, so he's going straight to the field.  It's been really cool to see his fire and have his help in a couple of lessons.

We did a lot of tracting this week and a lot of work with the people I mentioned last week, and hopefully they'll be able to make it to church next week.  I guess there's not anything too exciting to tell about, though.

So on November fourth we're going to have a conference with Elder Zivic of the Seventy, so that should be really cool.  It's pretty funny, on my mission, the things I look forward to the most have been church conferences and talking to strangers.  That's not how it was before haha.

Anyways, I'm not sure what else to say now... there's nothing too crazy to tell about.  I'll try to have some ridiculous experiences this next week so I can tell you about them.  Haha it's kinda funny because there's probably stuff that you'd think was crazy or cool but I'm so used to everything we do every day that nothing really sticks out... I'll tryto be better at that.  I love you millon millones.
Elder Katzakian

Monday, October 17, 2011

Working hard....

Everything is going well.  Sorry I wasn't able to email last week, the library was closed for the holiday. 
The work has been going okay.  Last night we went to go by a less active member of the spanish ward and it turns out they moved quite a while ago, but now there is a man living there who is very religeous and loves the bible and God, but has had trouble with churches.  He sees a lot of hipocrisy and doesn't agree with what they all teach.  He lives there with a little family and has a friend who is over often who wants to improve his choices in life and come closer to God ("agarrar el buen camino," he said), so we'll be teaching them tonight, and he said he'd like to come to our church to see if it feels right.  He likes the idea of a living prophet and another book of scripture to help clear up the confusion that has seemed to stem from the first one.  They should be cool to teach.
Also, we've finally been able to teach that man who was married to a less active member and had started reading the bookof mormon.  He's pretty awesome and his wife and daughter in law (who are both members) want to come back to church.  There is some very real, good potential there. We are also teaching them again tonight.
There is a sister in the ward who has always wanted the missionaries to stay at her hous, so she's been building a little apartment in the back, but her husband doesn't really like to work on it so the going has been slow.  We decided we should help out with that, and so we've been going over there to do some building and stuff.  I'm glad I've had some experience with it and I even got to do a little electrical work, which was cool.
There's another less active family that we are also doing some service for, who has some non-member friends that seem pretty interested and always want to be over there when we are.  We're going to be clearing a bunch of stuff out of his back yard and a little remodeling.  The father is also way into wolverine and has a bunch of old, original comics, which were tempting to spend some time with, but mostly kuct kinda cool to see.
That's pretty much what we're doing now, nothing too crazy or weird.  Oh, I was thinking about halloween and I remembered last year when I got a buch of candy, and, if it's not to late, just wanted to say I don't really need any candy.   I can't really think of anything I need or anything...  Really my favorite thing to get is stories about spiritual experiences and stuff.
 Love Elder Katzakian

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

General Conference

General Conference was awesome!  At the risk of being like every other missionary, my favorite talk was probably Elder Holland's in the priesthood session.  I also really, really enjoyed President Eyring's opening to the last session, though.  It's amazing to watch those leaders talk and feel the spirit testify that they are called of God. 
So Elder Robinson is now down in eagle pass.  My new companion is Elder Reid.  He's from a little suburb of Salt Lake City in Utah, and he's been out just a few months.  
So I don't really have much more time, and there isn't anything else too new or exciting to share about this week.  I did get to spend a little time working in stone oak after I dropped off elder robinson and waited for elder reid.  That was especially cool because the stone oak elders were having dinner with Louis Flores, so I got to see him again :)  I don't know if I mentioned that he got baptized in August.
So that's pretty much it.  Love you a tonelada too :)
Elder Katzakian