Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So here I am, accross the street from one of my old areas, learning all about the stuff on the other side of pleasanton that I was so curious about.  I'm actually in a different stake than the other ward, though.  I'm back on the south side of san antonio, covering two units.  We're in the mission creek ward and the highland hills spanish branch.  I was a little worried that I wasn't going to get to serve in a spanish area again, because I had six straight transfers in spanish areas, and that's more than a lot of missionaries get.  I have really applied myself to learning it, though, which means I got to come here, and all the rest of my companions will be people that I get to teach spanish. 
My new companion is Elder Von Niederhauser.  Now imagine, for a moment, a little old hispanic person who doesn't speak a lick of English looking up at us and trying to say our names.  That is how I know God has a sense of humor.  It's been a blast, so far, too.  Elder Von Niederhauser (or just Elder Niederhauser) is really funny and our personalities match up really well for working together.  I've been able to make myself (with the Lord's help, obviously) a lot more open and gregarious with people I don't know, and much more quick witted, and Elder Niederhauser is also really good at that.  Additionally, neither of us is really a conversation hog, so we share pretty evenly.  It's worked out pretty well.
So yeah, we're off to a pretty good start.  I haven't really had a chance to meet any of the investigators who were already here yet, and they're also all in english, so we've been focusing a lot on finding some more spanish people, and we have an appointment with one of the old investigators tonight, and another guy from mexico we met my first day here.  The branch is on the verge of becoming a ward, so I want to kind of focus my efforts there and do some reactivation and hopefully new baptisms as well, so they can have that.
I've also found a kind of renewed energy that I didn't expect, so I set some goals for my physicall and spiritual growth that will keep me working at the same rate of acceleration, because I found myself kind of slowing down a little in my last area.  I've seen a huge difference even just over the last few days.  My mile time is still under six minutes, by the way ;)
For St. Patricks day I made some green rice, so I'll have to send the pictures.  We are going to print some off right after emailing, so those will definitely be out today.
In sunday school, the teacher pointed something out that I found rather humorous... He said that a mother spends the first two years of a childs life trying to get him to walk and talk, but then spends the next two (or more) trying to make him stop talking and sit down.  Just something to think about... haha.  I love y'all a ton and will talk to you next week.
Elder Katzakian

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